Taking Selangor's TVET to a higher level
Yesterday marked a pivotal moment to take Selangor's TVET to a higher level and elevate our capacity to be a platform for automated manufacturing as the State Government of Selangor and Siemens Malaysia inked a Memorandum of Understanding.
An informal engagement which began in 2021 to provide higher-end TVET training has equipped over 700 young people in Selangor with professional certification from Siemens in the fields digitalisation and automated manufacturing.
And now, this MoU will pave the way for deeper collaboration in addition to industrial education; areas like ports, rail networks, engineering, automated manufacturing, and digitised systems to provide more efficient governor services.
This is key as I believe modern day education is no longer confined to the classroom and no longer limited to age. Instead, lifelong learning is no longer an option but the new norm.
Since I began my second term in office, I ask myself three key questions on a daily basis to act as the foundation to the work we do.
Firstly, how can we make Selangor a magnet for good jobs. Second, how do we ensure that we have a high take-up rate, to ensure our people have the necessary skills, education, and know-how to take up these
opportunities, and lastly, can these jobs pay well to build a dignified economy.
TVET is no longer an option of last resort. Today, higher-end TVET is a national agenda. This is where I believe the State Government and Federal Government can work even closer to make Selangor and Malaysia as Southeast Asia's leading state to create a more dynamic national economy which can upskill its workforce in a shorter time frame to become the country of choice for investors both local and foreign.
I thank Dr. Roland Busch, President and CEO of Siemens AG, and Mr. Tindaro Danze, President and CEO of Siemens Malaysia, for their continued confidence and trust to formalise Siemens' collaboration with Selangor and I'm confident this MoU will reap immense benefits to Selangorians.