

Restoring The Environment with RM1.1 million Collected Charges

Responsible Consumption and Production, along with Climate Action, are 2 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN. They are our targets in becoming a smart state by 2025. One of our successes in fulfilling the targets so far is the RM1.1 million collected in the first half 2020 through the 20-sen-per-bag initiative.

The collection was carried out by the local authorities, collected from supermarkets and business premises registered under the initiative. It is channelled into a trust fund used for environmental programmes such as planting trees and river-cleaning. We expect to reach our target of RM2.5 - RM3 million by end of the year.

We are starting to see achievements from Selangor’s  green initiatives. Our clean water and river cleaning efforts have improved, while we work more closely with state and government bodies and agencies to combat environmental crime. You can help too by minimising plastic bag usage and conventional straws.


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